Wednesday, 17 July 2013


The word forgiveness is not new to us. However, the extent to which we forgive one another is still an issue for concern. Irrespective of the offence, the hurt and the pain, it is important to let go by forgiving. You may say, it easier said than done! I can understand what you mean since some circumstances and situations may make forgiveness a very hard option to think of, however, when you forgive, YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF A FAVOUR that cannot be measured. Someone shared a personal story about her brother who was newly married. The brother was shot in the eye and he lost his sight before he could see any of his 'would be' children. Fortunately, the perpetrator was found and it happened to be a well-known person to the family. Today, the man  who was shot has lovely children but he cannot see them. He was asked what should be done to the man who shot him, but having a forgiving heart, he forgave the man and hope and pray that God will restore his sight someday. This is very difficult for many, who would rather choose tit for tat! 

As children of God and followers of Christ, we have no other option than to forgive and let God fight on our behalf. Colossians 3:13 says "make allowance for each other's fault, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others". I should also add that if you offend your neighbour be humble enough to ask for forgiveness, but where your neighbour has refuse to ask for forgiveness, you must let go and move on with your life. Don't live each day with baggage of pain and hurt caused by some other persons, who may not even care. Some don't even know that their actions hurt you, some have forgotten they hurt you and some will deliberately ignore the fact that you have been hurt by their actions. Whichever the case, make forgiveness your priority and live happy. 

Finally, make conscious effort to develop a big heart, such that even before you are offended by anyone you are set to forgive. I learnt this in an unusual situation while in secondary school. I did not realise that life is indeed very short, but by the grace of God, I was able to ask for forgiveness from the Senior. She forgave me and we became friends again. After we resumed for another term, I was eager to see my friend, unfortunately the news came that she died during the vacation. I could not believe it, but that was it. I realised life was vanity and the pain and hurt we cling to today do not worth it compare to eternity with God. I decided to be humble at all times to ask for forgiveness, as well as, ready at all times to forgive, for life is  really too short to live in pain and grudge. Can you also decide to forgive that friend, parent, uncle, classmate, lecturer or boss who has deeply hurt you? Can you also decide to have a big heart to forgive as many that has and will offend you?  Make the decision today, it is worth it!!!! 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Declare and Decree!

There is power in the words of our mouth. Watch what you say to yourself and the people around you.  Cultivate the habit of speaking positively to your life and the lives of others. Don't use your own mouth to negate yourself, instead use it to encourage and establish yourself. Don't underestimate yourself. Don't rule out all possible options to live a fulfilled life. Declare and believe that greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world and that you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.

A woman shared her testimony of a new executive job with a reputable organisation. She saw the job advert and observed that she was qualified for every other requirements except the years of work experience. She loved the job and the organisation, she also believed in herself and recognised that she has a special grace as a child of God to decree and declare and it will be established. She then began to decree and declare that the job is hers and that she will be favoured beyond human comprehension. She applied and after she has forgotten about the application, she received a phone call inviting her for interview. She was amazed but grateful to God and once again she began to decree and declare that as she goes for the interview everywhere the foot of her legs tread will become her possession. Just as she declared, she possessed the job and was asked to resume immediately.  

Your situation may not be the same as this woman, but the most important thing is to faithfully declare and decree good things into your life. Speak the word of God into every situation and watch your situation take a new and amazing turn for your good. Don't always be pessimistic, be optimistic. Don't always see a dead end, see an end that lead to a new beginning. Therefore, are you seeking for a job? Decree that the Lord will establish and prosper your ways, he will order your steps and make all things to work together for your good. Are you in School? Decree that you will be a success and not a failure and that wisdom and understanding will be your portion. Are you seeking for promotion? Decree that promotion comes neither from the east or west but from the Lord and so the Lord will lift your head high. Are you fearful of what tomorrow holds? Decree that God knows the plan he has for you, they are plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Finally, start now! Declare and decree into your life, the life of your spouse, the lives of your children. Speak positively into your present and your future. Boldly say to yourself; it is well with my soul. Decree that the peace of God that passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7). Decree that you will not lack anything good (Psalms 34:10). Decree that the Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to (Deut 28:8). Declare that in all these things you are more than conquerors through him who loved you (Rom 8:37). There are thousands of decrees and declarations in God's word, maximise them and do not short change yourself!!!!!

"You can create the energy to turn your dreams into reality by knowing what to say when you talk to yourself" Shad Helmstetter

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Be Thankful!!!

Sometimes we feel like we are the worst hit, but that is not true. There are thousands of other persons going through more challenging situations then we think. Therefore, be thankful! A woman shared a lesson she learnt lately about giving thanks. She woke up, got prepared and left for work like every other day. At work she met a colleague who told her she just lost her husband and needed to take time out of work. After a while she came across a 4 year old boy who was born with disability and had to walk with crutches or some kind of walking aid all his life. Later in the course of the day she had a discussion with one of her patients who is suffering from cancer and the patient said, she knows she will die in few months time but she prays for just one thing, that she may witness her daughters wedding in August. After all of these encounters, it occurred to her that she has not been thankful enough for her life and family. Of course, she has her personal struggles but it was obvious she would not want to trade places with these people's situation.

Often times we are busy with our daily lives and we think its just normal to wake up, drive safely to work, go to school, eat and sleep again at night. We need to be grateful for all these things and spend more time thanking God for every little details that make our life worth living. As long as we have life, we do have every reason to be thankful. Unfortunately, we easily forget this fact and focus on the not so pleasing situations which are most times temporary. We complain about everything that is wrong and give less attention to the things that are right. There is nothing new under sun, so, that condition you see as worse, somebody lived through it. You will have to make a choice to stay thankful and enjoy each day of your life irrespective of the circumstance. 

What exactly is your challenge? Would you trade it for some severe disabilities that are permanent? If you answer is No then be thankful for who, what and where you are. Be inspired by the lives of people like Nicholas James Vujicic, the man without limbs meaning he has no arm/hand and no thigh/leg. This did not happen has a result of an accident, HE WAS BORN THAT WAY. How about that? However, Nick as he is fondly called is a preacher, evangelist and motivational speaker. He speaks about his belief in God, how God is bigger than any and all disabilities and how God can use any willing heart to do his work. If you have ever listen to any of his speeches, you will know this is a man full of gratitude irrespective of his state. 

Finally, stop and think deep, count your blessings and name them one by one and indeed be thankful for what God has done. If at all you have some pressing issues, remember to "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayers and supplication with thanksgiving, make your request known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"(philippians 4:5-7).  

"It is not Happy people who are Thankful, it is Thankful people who are Happy"

Monday, 3 June 2013

Caution Your Expectation!

Expectations are great and having high expectations are even greater but if ones expectations are not properly managed and cautioned, they can bring with them some unbearable and unexpected consequences. At one point or the other, many of us (if not all) must have had an expectation about something. We understand what it feels like to be expectant even if it is as informal/little as expecting a friend's visit or formal/great as expecting a presidential visit. Whatever kind of expectations,  one common thing is the desire for such expectations to be met. Unfortunately, most of us never achieve our exact expectations about life primarily because they are often very high, difficult to achieve and unrealistic.

While growing up (in my teenage years) I had beautiful expectations about life, I wanted to graduate from the University at a particular age, have a glorious and  lucrative job, I wanted numerous investments, I wanted so many great achievements at an early age, in-short I had very high expectations. I know I am not alone, most of us might have had similar expectations while growing up. Sincerely, they are admirable expectations, but how realistic are they for most of us. We struggle to achieve these high expectations and when they end up unachieved, we feel a subtle or harsh defeat that sometimes end in frustration. While some are able to pick up the rubbles of their failed expectations and aim for a more achievable and fulfilling life, many are unable to manage their fall, they continue to live with the pains of their failed attempts. Some give up totally on life and settle for whatsoever (good or bad) life throws at them. Some others live bitter and aggressive lives, some go to the extreme to engage in socially unacceptable ways to achieve their expectations and some at the very extreme feel so worthless and end their own life. 

Now, do not get me wrong, having expectations, facing challenges and even embracing very high expectations are great. However, we most never become so absorbed with these expectations and the desire to  achieve them without also considering the possibility that they may never be achieved. Be cautioned, don't be overwhelmed by the desire to attain all possible height. Be ready to deal with failed expectations. Be prepared for the realities of life. Trust me, you don't want to be caught unaware!!!

Finally, to properly caution whatever expectations we hope to achieve is to develop realistic expectations. Make an adequate plan towards achieving your expectations, leave room for contingency, develop resilience and be flexible. If after you have taken all possible precautions and your expectations still seem to be failing, do not be too hard on yourself, it is not always your fault! The world will not remain in the same state all through from the time of developing an expectation through to the time such expectation is to be achieved. This is because in our world 'change' is the only constant thing and this 'change' can positively or negatively affect our expectations about life. At such weak point, remain optimistic about life and trade your failing expectations for appreciation. Appreciate how far you have gone and afterwards develop better ways of achieving what is left.

whatever your expectations are, they are things you have not seen but you hope for them.
 "but if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience" Roman 8:25

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Wake Up From Your Slumber!!!

About two years ago, I was told a story that leaves me laughing any time I remember. A man had a good job with an organisation that manages those with bipolar disorder. Despite the fact that his job requires alertness and attentiveness, this man could not help but fault this requirements because he suffers from a disorder that makes him sleep incessantly. I was told he sleeps off in the middle of funny and lively discussions, even if he is actively contributing. After sometime, his supervisor noticed his uncontrollable sleeping habit and decided to give him schedules that will keep him standing, but unfortunately, he could not help but sleep even while standing upright. He was further given a schedule that will keep him typing, but he repeatedly kept sleeping while his fingers deceptively kept typing *smiles*. I don't know what will eventually be his fate, but I can predict that when his sleeping habit becomes unbearable for the organisation, he may loose his job. The story may be funny but we sometimes implicitly threat our lives in such manner. We loose the opportunity to achieve significant success in live because we slumber on issues, decisions and actions that would make an everlasting impact on our lives.

The reality is that time keeps ticking, days keep counting and life keep moving. While these changes occur 'we' who have the capacity to make our lives meaningful often do not realise the pace at which these events are unfolding. We vacillate, procrastinate and sometimes treat life issues with levity. When we finally realise, our speeches take such tone as 'and I wanted to'. What is that goal you wanted to achieve? What is that business you wanted to start? What is that course you wanted to enrol for? What is that addiction you wanted to overcome? And what is that change you wanted to see? If you will achieve significant success in life, you have to WAKE UP from your slumber now and LIVE!!!  

Embrace hard-work, consistency, perseverance and determination. If you have ever seen a massive anthill, it is easier to think it was man-made but it is actually the glorious display of hard-work, consistency, perseverance and determination by the Ants. They have no commander, no overseer or ruler yet they store their provision in summer and gather their food at harvest (prob 6:6). How much more we as humans with all the available resources at our disposal. We must refuse to fold our hands instead we must get up from our sleep, put our heart to work and give our work the best of us, then we will do greater exploit.

It really does not matter much where you start from, just take a bold step towards achieving your life goals.  And if you really want to know where you need to start from, then start from where you are, start without hesitation, start with what you have, improve on it constantly, be encouraged by your efforts, be confident in your work, advertise what you have to offer and celebrate your achievements. Stop waiting only for the opportunity, create the opportunity you seek and greater opportunities will locate you. Remember the gift of a man makes way for him and bring him  before great men. Finally, it is more honourable and rewarding to put your hand to work as much as you can, even if  you have a million reasons to justify being idle or ineffective in life. See you at the TOP!

"wake up, O very careful, then how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesian 5:14-16"

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Guard your heart!!!

The heart is so fragile, yet strong enough to determine our existence. Just as the heart is biologically essential to life, so also, the state of our hearts largely determine the kind of lives we live. A heart that is inclined to goodness and success will bring forth goodness and success, while a heart that is inclined to evil and failure, will also produce its kind. What is your heart inclined to?

It seems to me that life is a journey and the driver is the heart. The heart determines the direction of each individual's life journey. Unfortunately, the heart does not do this independently. It is largely influenced by external factors, such as what we read, the company we keep, what we see or watch, who and what we listen to, or what we incline our hearts to. 

In a perverse world, with rapid development and technological advancement, we cannot afford to leave our hearts unguarded. Today's world brings us closer to varieties of both good and bad things. We are closer each day to all kinds of news, both depressing and encouraging. We are faced with all forms of technology, both life-saving and destructive, and more than ever before different options that can either make or mar us tend to lurk around. 

While, this development is good in itself, it poses great danger to an unguarded heart. Such heart is open and influenced by all sorts of information, it becomes a target for destructive ideas which eventually destroys such a life here on earth and also in eternity. That is why we are reminded to think on such things that are noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; meaning, who or whatever we become in life is a product of what is instilled in our hearts. Check yourself!!!!!!

Deciding on what to guard our hearts from could be tricky but such things becomes clearer if we  make the Bible our standard. Guarding our hearts requires us to take control by making conscious efforts and decisions to incline our hearts to godly and positive information. Where others are saying there is a casting down, we are able to guide our hearts to the fact that with the Lord on our side, there is a lifting up. Where the Internet gives us options of filthy contents,we are able to guard our hearts towards the edifying contents. When life throws the negatives at us, we are able to keep our hearts fixed on the positives. Finally,  always remember that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, thus, 'allow the peace of God, which transcends all understanding to guard your heart and your mind' (Philippians 4:8).

"the mind controlled by sin is death but the life controlled by the spirit is life and peace" Romans 8:6.

Sunday, 12 May 2013


Most of us act like the teenage girl in a fairly popular story, where she and her friends were setting out to travel. The mother said to her 'may the Lord ride with you' but she replied 'only if he will ride in the trunk because the car is full'. Later, the car was involved in a crash and all the teenagers did not survive. While the car was badly damaged, the trunk remained intact. When the cops opened the trunk, they found to their amazement, a crate of eggs and none of the eggs were cracked. This suggest that Jesus was actually there in the trunk, he remained where he was kept and watched over what was within his jurisdiction. If I may ask, how much of your life is opened to Jesus? Where in your life have you kept him? And how much of your life is he permitted to watch over?

Most often, we unconsciously keep the Lord out of those little and tiny details of our lives. We feel we have it all planned out. We feel overly confident in our vast knowledge and growing technology. We erroneously believe He is more interested in the so called 'big issues or decisions' of our lives. We forget He is as much interested in all aspect of our lives. We forget He cares more than anyone on earth would (Isaiah 49:15-16). We forget He loves us and wants to be involved in our lives. Even when we remember He loves and cares, our constrained openness stands as a limitation. Remember, the extent to which his power will be made manifest in us is the extent to which we open our lives to Him. Give God full access to all areas of your life, let him take over your feeding, driving, health, dressing, education, finances, travels, family, interactions and relationships, occupation, decision making and many more. He is standing and knocking at the door of our lives (Rev 3:20), can you please OPEN UP!!! 

Finally, stop and think of those issues in your life that you have been trying to handle all by yourself or with the help of others. Think about that decision you want to make and the things you are desiring, think about areas you are limiting the intervention of the Lord, think about your every day life and then open them up to the Lord! When you do this, you can be sure you are in safe hands. For the Lord is trustworthy and faithful so 'trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path' (Proverb 3:5-6). 

Open up your life to God, let him take over and you will never be disappointed

Sunday, 5 May 2013

DON'T stop where you are!

Most of us may be familiar with the story of Thomas Edison, the man who invented a light bulb. Edison understood perfectly that failure is just a step in the ladder to success, rather than the opposite of success. It was said that he failed 9,999 times before he succeeded in inventing the light bulb on his 10,000th attempt. Yet, he never accepted failure, instead he regarded it as failed attempts. This positive mindset of Edison gave human kind the light bulb and changed the course of our destiny forever.

Only if we know that success at times is closer to us than it seems, we would hold on!!! From Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" story of the gold digger who went digging for gold. He dug and dug and finally gave up, saying that there was no more gold to be found. He sold his gold digging equipment and then went home. The person who bought his stuff continued to dig and JUST three feet from where the first gold digger gave up, this guy struck gold. In fact, the gold he struck was one of the richest veins of gold ever found during the gold digging era. What a shame that the first guy who spent more time and energy digging lost out on such success because he gave up. His failure was not in his inability to find gold but in his giving up too soon. Think of it, have you too ever given up too soon, just maybe.......? 

This brings to memory the story of 'Omoye: a child like me' one of the super story series by Wale Adenuga. Omoye, a brilliant child, gave up on the right ways to acquire money to pay for her Senior School Certificate Examination. She eventually made the wrong choice that made her pregnant and subsequently led to the abortion which caused her death. Just after the weekend she passed on, the school (unaware that Omoye was dead) offered a scholarship to pay not just her SSCE fee but also sponsor her undergraduate studies. Unfortunately, Omoye was nowhere, her life came to an end because she gave up on other positive possible ways too soon. Don't ever get crushed under the weight of your defeat, life offers us a hundred new opportunities, keep moving!

Don't ever say, 'you are done' out of frustration. Learn from the failing situation and move on.  Don't give up, always remember 'live moves on and so should we' (Spencer Johnson).  Just as the night is always darkest before dawn and the start of a new day, so also our greatest failures come just before our greatest successes. You may not be where you want to be but if you keep moving, you will be closer than you were yesterday.  Finally, don't stop where you are! When you feel like stopping, choose to say like the song writer; I won't give up, yes I won't give up, I will keep pressing on until my help comes. Though it may tarry I will wait, it lingers I will wait, I won't give up on you Lord.
Success is failure turned inside out and you can never know how close you are to it. Success may be close when it seems afar, so stick to the action when you're hardest hit, for it's when things seem tough that you must not quit. (Anonymous)

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Are you connected?

Recently, I heard a story of a man who bought a brand new refrigerator. Overly excited about his purchase, he also bought lots of frozen items with the intention to preserve them with his refrigerator. On getting home, he set up the refrigerator and kept all the frozen items in it. By the next day, the items were defrosted and he could not explain why. In annoyance, he called the company with complaints of a bad product, only to discover after a few questions from the company, that he actually did not connect the new refrigerator to the socket. 

Whether the story is fiction or not, the truth is we sometimes live our lives without a firm connection to the source of life. Although, we can be connected and not well connected, as in the case of an unstable Christian life, we can also be within the connectivity zone and not be connected, as in the case of a religious Christian. Until we get truly connected and stay connected we are actually not connected! When we are firmly connected there is a continuous flow of God's power unto us and we are able to fulfill God's purpose for our Lives here on earth and in eternity. 

Just like the refrigerator could not function without being connected to the source of its power, if you are also finding it difficult to live fully, you may want to ask yourself: Am I really connected? If you are perpetually compromising your faith as a Christian, you may want to ask yourself: Am I really connected? Or if  your effort produces little or no results, you may want to ask yourself: Am I really connected? Whatever situation in your life that may seem not to be right, start by asking yourself whether you still have a firm link with your source.

It is said that, "A river that forgets it source will run dry" so also is a Christian who is disconnected from the Lord. Our existence is sustained in Him; for in Him we live, we move and have our being (Act 17:28). Remember you were created by no other but God, He breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being (Gen 2:7). Even when we failed Him, He further restored us to Himself through Jesus Christ who affirmed our existence in God when He said '.....I have come that they may have life and have it in full (John 10:10). Finally, if we will only remain connected to Christ as the vine and we as the branches, we will bear much fruit; for without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5 ). 

"For light I go directly to the source of light, not to any of the reflections"
 peace pilgrim quote

God is the source of life, Get Connected and Stay Connected to Him!!!

Sunday, 21 April 2013


The past is what had happened, the present is what is happening and the future is what will happen. Many times we fail to live in the present as we get carried away with thoughts of the past and the future. As important as our past is to our present and our future, we must figure out a way to only learn from the past and let go of its hurt. When we hold onto the regrets of our past, our present becomes another regrettable past. 

Our past is gone, our future we do not have yet, but our present is here. We need to appreciate and make good use of our present, it is very significant and very short. It evolves to become our greatest memories (past), and in it we develop our hopes (future). Don't spend it wailing over an irretrievable past or worrying over an unsure future. Be positive about your life and make sure, in your experiment(present), you are using your experience(past) to achieve your expectation(future). The happiest people are those maximising their present. When we dwell on the Past we remain Depressed, when we dwell on the Future we remain Anxious but when we dwell in the Present, we can have a past that we look back to and Smile and we can have a future full of Hopes, because we have put some effort in the present. 

It is a genuine concern to worry about the future, but spending the present worrying will not make the future any different from the regretted past. We can at best predict the future but the certainty of our prediction remains unknown. However, I have goodnews for us! Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" and finally friends, Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God".

Friends what are you doing with your PRESENT? Remember it will soon be gone! Just like the song writer, will you choose to say: "Yesterday is gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine, teach me dear Lord to live each day one step at a time."

"Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, what we have today is a ready cash-so spend it wisely" (Anonymous) 

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Make A Difference

"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily difference we can make, which over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot forsee" Marian W. Edelman 

Once upon a time, a small neighborhood called Gracity was very neat and habitable. Infact she prides herself as the most habitable in the town . However, in Gracity there also lived a mad man. Every single day the mad man went around Gracity picking dirt and waste items and he did it so well. Picking up these items became a routine such that the people in Gracity seemed not to notice him and even when they noticed him, they care less about him or his routine. He picked up these items, used some and dumped the rest in a hollow he made by himself. Several years passed and he maintained his routine without notice. On this fateful day, the mad man slept and never woke up again. 

The people of Gracity continued their lives and no one seemed to notice the absence of the mad man. After a few months Gracity, which used to be very neat, was becoming dirty and messy with dirt gradually heaping. Several months passed and things became worse. While the people wondered without any clue, an old man suddenly remembered the mad man. "Yes! THE MAD MAN, he used to clean up the town with his consistent picking up of garbage, where is he". At that point the people felt so sober, they realized they could boast of a clean and habitable Gracity only because someone Made a Difference.   

That was a mad man! Though he made a difference unconsciously, he left a legacy in a neighborhood filled with able bodied and sane beings. Can I ask you some questions? What are you doing irrespective of the size, to make a difference? What will you be remembered for? What will be your legacy?                      CHOOSE TO MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Life Is A Push!

On a very cosy night, a young man had an unusual vision: God commanded him to push a mountain each breaking of the day. In obedience he pushed this mountain consistently for a year and nothing changed. The devil in his usual manner visited the man, jesting at him,
   "Hey man, you have been fooled! Haven't you pushed this mountain faithfully for a year now and the mountain did not move. Can you see the God you claim to serve"

Just LIKE most of us, the young man gave a thought to what the devil said and felt the devil was right, but UNLIKE most of us, he went back to God in prayers. Praying he said, Lord I have faithfully pushed this mountain for a year now and the mountain did not move.

The Lord in his faithfulness answered, "Yes my son, I asked you to push and not to move the mountain, why do you anticipate a move by yourself'?.  Look at your chest, has it not become broader, look at your feet are they not more firm, look at your fists are they not stronger? YOU ARE NOW BETTER FIT FOR YOUR WORLD!"

Life is a push! All you need is to keep pushing.
Some say p.u.s.h is Pray Until Something Happens. I believe this is true. Something great is definitely happening to us when we live a prayerful life. However, our focus is usually on the mountain and not on the great transformation God is doing in us. Don't allow the devil manipulate you by directing your focus to the unmoved mountains. The mountains may never move, but you are stronger. Have hope today in what God is doing in you, keep pushing as you live each day of your life. 

Don't anticipate to move the mountain, PUSH and anticipate God to move it on your behalf!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 29 March 2013

Where Life Ends!!!

The end of time,
The horror of life
The sting of man
Not often talked about
But a reality that will not become extinct

Death, Death, Oh!!!!!!!!!!!! Death!
How terrible to live, without a sense of you
How bad can you be, without a touch of love
I have felt the pains of your visit
I have heard the cries from your sting

Oh! how I wish life could tell life's end
Or can life tell the hour of its passing by?
MAN! live life as secure,
That death won't be unaware

But how secure can you be;
Without the knowledge of Christ
How secure can you be;
Without Christ's life in you

It's never too late, NOW is the time
Next moment is unsure and death gives no damn
Surely death must come;
But when it does, may we be prepared
That the END of LIFE may be such an EVERLASTING LIFE again!!!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Where do you stand?

This is a dream come true for me!!! I want to share inspirational, spiritual and motivational thoughts as often as possible. I want to inspire many with words. I understand that words are like seeds and when the right words are planted in the right minds they germinate in due course and bear fruits. I am convinced that this blog will develop to be a platform for all to exchange ideas. I am convinced that many will find hope in the thoughts and ideas that will spring forth from this platform. I am convinced that every moment invested into developing and updating this platform will be productive.

In the words of 'Lao-tzu' a journey of a thousand miles begin with one step, the original version says; The journey of a thousand miles begin beneath one's feet. In other words 'Even the longest journey must begin where you stand (Michael Moncur).

This is where I stand and right here is where I will start from. Where do you stand?  Arise and join me to begin a journey that will transform lives. This is the best investment ever, trust me!!!!!!