Sunday, 21 April 2013


The past is what had happened, the present is what is happening and the future is what will happen. Many times we fail to live in the present as we get carried away with thoughts of the past and the future. As important as our past is to our present and our future, we must figure out a way to only learn from the past and let go of its hurt. When we hold onto the regrets of our past, our present becomes another regrettable past. 

Our past is gone, our future we do not have yet, but our present is here. We need to appreciate and make good use of our present, it is very significant and very short. It evolves to become our greatest memories (past), and in it we develop our hopes (future). Don't spend it wailing over an irretrievable past or worrying over an unsure future. Be positive about your life and make sure, in your experiment(present), you are using your experience(past) to achieve your expectation(future). The happiest people are those maximising their present. When we dwell on the Past we remain Depressed, when we dwell on the Future we remain Anxious but when we dwell in the Present, we can have a past that we look back to and Smile and we can have a future full of Hopes, because we have put some effort in the present. 

It is a genuine concern to worry about the future, but spending the present worrying will not make the future any different from the regretted past. We can at best predict the future but the certainty of our prediction remains unknown. However, I have goodnews for us! Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" and finally friends, Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God".

Friends what are you doing with your PRESENT? Remember it will soon be gone! Just like the song writer, will you choose to say: "Yesterday is gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine, teach me dear Lord to live each day one step at a time."

"Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, what we have today is a ready cash-so spend it wisely" (Anonymous) 


Anonymous said...

A beautiful piece out there

Nike said...

Thanks friend! we sure must do the work of God that sent us.

Unknown said...

Truly inspirational!

Nike said...

I was blessed myself. Every moment of our present count for a brighter future

buno said...

insightful, thought provoking and worth reflecting on. thanks