Sunday 28 April 2013

Are you connected?

Recently, I heard a story of a man who bought a brand new refrigerator. Overly excited about his purchase, he also bought lots of frozen items with the intention to preserve them with his refrigerator. On getting home, he set up the refrigerator and kept all the frozen items in it. By the next day, the items were defrosted and he could not explain why. In annoyance, he called the company with complaints of a bad product, only to discover after a few questions from the company, that he actually did not connect the new refrigerator to the socket. 

Whether the story is fiction or not, the truth is we sometimes live our lives without a firm connection to the source of life. Although, we can be connected and not well connected, as in the case of an unstable Christian life, we can also be within the connectivity zone and not be connected, as in the case of a religious Christian. Until we get truly connected and stay connected we are actually not connected! When we are firmly connected there is a continuous flow of God's power unto us and we are able to fulfill God's purpose for our Lives here on earth and in eternity. 

Just like the refrigerator could not function without being connected to the source of its power, if you are also finding it difficult to live fully, you may want to ask yourself: Am I really connected? If you are perpetually compromising your faith as a Christian, you may want to ask yourself: Am I really connected? Or if  your effort produces little or no results, you may want to ask yourself: Am I really connected? Whatever situation in your life that may seem not to be right, start by asking yourself whether you still have a firm link with your source.

It is said that, "A river that forgets it source will run dry" so also is a Christian who is disconnected from the Lord. Our existence is sustained in Him; for in Him we live, we move and have our being (Act 17:28). Remember you were created by no other but God, He breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being (Gen 2:7). Even when we failed Him, He further restored us to Himself through Jesus Christ who affirmed our existence in God when He said '.....I have come that they may have life and have it in full (John 10:10). Finally, if we will only remain connected to Christ as the vine and we as the branches, we will bear much fruit; for without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5 ). 

"For light I go directly to the source of light, not to any of the reflections"
 peace pilgrim quote

God is the source of life, Get Connected and Stay Connected to Him!!!

Sunday 21 April 2013


The past is what had happened, the present is what is happening and the future is what will happen. Many times we fail to live in the present as we get carried away with thoughts of the past and the future. As important as our past is to our present and our future, we must figure out a way to only learn from the past and let go of its hurt. When we hold onto the regrets of our past, our present becomes another regrettable past. 

Our past is gone, our future we do not have yet, but our present is here. We need to appreciate and make good use of our present, it is very significant and very short. It evolves to become our greatest memories (past), and in it we develop our hopes (future). Don't spend it wailing over an irretrievable past or worrying over an unsure future. Be positive about your life and make sure, in your experiment(present), you are using your experience(past) to achieve your expectation(future). The happiest people are those maximising their present. When we dwell on the Past we remain Depressed, when we dwell on the Future we remain Anxious but when we dwell in the Present, we can have a past that we look back to and Smile and we can have a future full of Hopes, because we have put some effort in the present. 

It is a genuine concern to worry about the future, but spending the present worrying will not make the future any different from the regretted past. We can at best predict the future but the certainty of our prediction remains unknown. However, I have goodnews for us! Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" and finally friends, Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God".

Friends what are you doing with your PRESENT? Remember it will soon be gone! Just like the song writer, will you choose to say: "Yesterday is gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine, teach me dear Lord to live each day one step at a time."

"Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, what we have today is a ready cash-so spend it wisely" (Anonymous) 

Sunday 14 April 2013

Make A Difference

"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily difference we can make, which over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot forsee" Marian W. Edelman 

Once upon a time, a small neighborhood called Gracity was very neat and habitable. Infact she prides herself as the most habitable in the town . However, in Gracity there also lived a mad man. Every single day the mad man went around Gracity picking dirt and waste items and he did it so well. Picking up these items became a routine such that the people in Gracity seemed not to notice him and even when they noticed him, they care less about him or his routine. He picked up these items, used some and dumped the rest in a hollow he made by himself. Several years passed and he maintained his routine without notice. On this fateful day, the mad man slept and never woke up again. 

The people of Gracity continued their lives and no one seemed to notice the absence of the mad man. After a few months Gracity, which used to be very neat, was becoming dirty and messy with dirt gradually heaping. Several months passed and things became worse. While the people wondered without any clue, an old man suddenly remembered the mad man. "Yes! THE MAD MAN, he used to clean up the town with his consistent picking up of garbage, where is he". At that point the people felt so sober, they realized they could boast of a clean and habitable Gracity only because someone Made a Difference.   

That was a mad man! Though he made a difference unconsciously, he left a legacy in a neighborhood filled with able bodied and sane beings. Can I ask you some questions? What are you doing irrespective of the size, to make a difference? What will you be remembered for? What will be your legacy?                      CHOOSE TO MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE

Saturday 6 April 2013

Life Is A Push!

On a very cosy night, a young man had an unusual vision: God commanded him to push a mountain each breaking of the day. In obedience he pushed this mountain consistently for a year and nothing changed. The devil in his usual manner visited the man, jesting at him,
   "Hey man, you have been fooled! Haven't you pushed this mountain faithfully for a year now and the mountain did not move. Can you see the God you claim to serve"

Just LIKE most of us, the young man gave a thought to what the devil said and felt the devil was right, but UNLIKE most of us, he went back to God in prayers. Praying he said, Lord I have faithfully pushed this mountain for a year now and the mountain did not move.

The Lord in his faithfulness answered, "Yes my son, I asked you to push and not to move the mountain, why do you anticipate a move by yourself'?.  Look at your chest, has it not become broader, look at your feet are they not more firm, look at your fists are they not stronger? YOU ARE NOW BETTER FIT FOR YOUR WORLD!"

Life is a push! All you need is to keep pushing.
Some say p.u.s.h is Pray Until Something Happens. I believe this is true. Something great is definitely happening to us when we live a prayerful life. However, our focus is usually on the mountain and not on the great transformation God is doing in us. Don't allow the devil manipulate you by directing your focus to the unmoved mountains. The mountains may never move, but you are stronger. Have hope today in what God is doing in you, keep pushing as you live each day of your life. 

Don't anticipate to move the mountain, PUSH and anticipate God to move it on your behalf!!!!!!!!!!!!!